I am all about saving time and money when possible. Whether it be clipping coupons, shopping around for deals or waiting until an item goes on sale, I'm currently doing it. If you're like me, you love the fact that your efforts save money, but hate the fact that it takes up more of your valuable time.
Well what if I told you that you could stop doing all of that, but still get the same result? I subscribe to the RSS feed for Ramit Sethi's "I Will Teach Your How to Be Rich" blog (he also has an amazingly useful book that quickly rose to the top of the New York Times Best Seller list) and Ramit is a huge advocate of 'automating' your life. I recently received an email from him that talked about a new online tool called Alice.com.
Alice.com lets you set up automatic subscriptions and shipments for typical household items, such as toilet paper, shampoo, paper towls, toothpaste and more. Pretty much anything that you'd normally get at your local Target/drugstore/grocery store. Basically, search for your favorite shampoo, add it to your "shelf" and then set up how often you want it delivered to your house! I find this pretty exciting. You'll never have to think about it again or deal with your significant other "forgetting" to tell you that you're out of toliet paper. Plus, Alice.com offes free shipping and the same coupons that you would clip out of the Sunday paper.
As Ramit outlined, here are the basic benefits of using Alice.com:
- Automatic: You don't have to think about buying household stuff ever again. You pick the products (search by room) and they get delivered to your house at regular intervals, which you specify.
- Free Shipping: Never leave your house again to make basic household purchases. In the end, this saves time and the money you spend on gas.
- Discounts: Automatic coupons mean you're getting the best prices, so you don't need to shop around.
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